Wednesday, November 12, 2014


how far along? 29 weeks
how big is baby? 15.25 in, 2.5 lbs [the size of a butternut squash]
belly button in or out? out
sleep? slept much better this week. still waking up bright and body must be training for when she gets here. ;)
craving? bananas & peanut butter. Lately I can't get enough of peanut butter.  I make pb&j sandwiches daily. And I've started making banana and peanut butter shakes. so yummy.
feeling? pretty good! the third trimester tiredness has definitely set in... cat naps save my life. my ribs are still tender and sore but definitely better than the last few weeks!
gender? P I N K. P I N K. P I N K. [except that I really haven't bought much pink stuff. haha]
movement? love how active this girl is. she is really active first thing in the morning forcing mama out of bed and to the potty. haha she also loves bath time and late at night when daddy is home and talking to her! Her big rolling movements are the weirdest/coolest feeling!
showing? sometimes I cant believe I still have 10.5 weeks. how can I get any bigger???
best moment of the week? going to my doctors appointment on Monday and listening to her heartbeat again. It's always my favorite. It was crazy because at my appointment this week they gave me papers with numbers talking about labor & delivery and numbers to call for when I go into labor and we also set up my last few appointments for the remainder of my pregnancy! It made me realize how fast it's coming up!
looking forward to? heading out West. ahh HOME. :) Josh and I both couldn't be more excited to be heading to Utah/Idaho for a couple of weeks for some much needed family time. Josh's Grandpa Stewart passed away this last weekend, so we are heading home early [today] to make it home for the funeral. We will then be staying out there over the Thanksgiving holiday. We don't come back until Dec. 7th! I can hardly wait to be around family for these next few weeks. Next time we are back home (out West)...we will be a family of 3!

Thursday, November 6, 2014


how far along? 28 weeks
how big is baby? 14.8 in, 2.25 lbs [the size of a chinese cabbage]
belly button in or out? out..and Josh thinks its so funny. haha
sleep? probably the worst week of sleep thus far in my pregnancy. I've been dealing with back pain & rib pain making room for this baby girl and it's keeping me up all through the night. In fact one night, I slept on the floor because it was the only way I actually felt comfortable!
craving? veggies dipped in hummus
feeling? ooh my poor ribs & back! ouchie! Also- I got another cold this week. YAY for compromised immune systems and catching everything!
gender? G I R L
movement? she is doing this new thing where she is far over on my right side and wiggles and kicks and it tickles soo bad where I laugh out loud. I love it!
showing? holy smokes I feel big. Lets just say its a struggle putting shoes on.
best moment of the week? we got her car seat and stroller and put everything together and it is making everything so real and exciting!
looking forward to? flying home next week for my baby showers and the Thanksgiving holiday! SO STOKED.


how far along? 27 weeks
how big is baby? 14.5 in, 2 lb [AH!] [the size of a cauliflower]
belly button in or out? still wouldn't consider it a 'full out-y' but its close!
sleep? finally got some better sleep this week! thank you, thank you!
craving? VEGGIES! all of them.
feeling? anxious...there is still so much to do and the clock is ticking!
gender? mama's precious little GIRL
movement? probably the one and only thing I'll miss about being pregnant! haha
showing? oh yes. my regular clothes are starting to not fit. boo.
best moment of the week? we got to watch my niece Ruby for a few days while my sister & Nate went on vacation. We had so much fun with her..and it was good practice for both of us!
looking forward to? going to Minnesota this weekend to hangout with my parents and go to a Vikings game!


how far along? 26 weeks
how big is baby? 14 in, 1.75 lbs [the size of a hothouse cucumber]
belly button in or out? if I'm laying down its flat (thank you gravity) but when I'm standing its definitely poking out
sleep? sleep has been rough this week unfortunately..though I'm getting used to the 'not much sleep anymore' thing.
craving? pizza
feeling? pretty miserable! I got a terrible cold this week..and since I can't take much medicine, it just seems like it's lasted longer than it should!
gender? darling baby girl :)
movement? still lots of movement. however I've noticed more rolling movements than kicking movements this week
showing? definitely showing. I feel huge..but my sweetie of a husband says if you just looked at me everywhere else and not my wouldn't even know I was pregnant. He's definitely a keeper.
best moment of the week? going to Chicago to visit my sister, brother in law, and Ruby!
looking forward to? Thanksgiving and family time in Idaho/Utah. Is it November yet??